Government is usually the root cause of all inflation. I like Peter, but he's always pushing Gold, which is fine and everything, but already the average guy cannot afford Gold. One cannot eat Gold, and there is no guarentee that Gold will actually rise all that much as I'm very sure the Gangsters, I mean Banksters will figure a way to introduce Digital money without a big rise in Gold, at the very least they will screw you and I as always. Grow your own food, and prep as best you can is the best advice. It is refreshing that in Peter's article he did not talk about Gold too much, only how our Federal Government is screwing us as usualy, only this time they're trying to bury us as deep as they can, but we didn't need Peter to tell us any of that now did we.
The reason why Biden is getting away with all the double speak is generally Americans are stupid concerning the economy. As long as they are getting a check why should they even care?
Peter is an Austrian Economist, he knows the end result of all this monetary expansion, maybe what he doesn't talk about is the biological limits of this planet. I think he would say high prices are the cure for food shortages, people will have to start gardens as the market adjusts.
Government is usually the root cause of all inflation. I like Peter, but he's always pushing Gold, which is fine and everything, but already the average guy cannot afford Gold. One cannot eat Gold, and there is no guarentee that Gold will actually rise all that much as I'm very sure the Gangsters, I mean Banksters will figure a way to introduce Digital money without a big rise in Gold, at the very least they will screw you and I as always. Grow your own food, and prep as best you can is the best advice. It is refreshing that in Peter's article he did not talk about Gold too much, only how our Federal Government is screwing us as usualy, only this time they're trying to bury us as deep as they can, but we didn't need Peter to tell us any of that now did we.
The reason why Biden is getting away with all the double speak is generally Americans are stupid concerning the economy. As long as they are getting a check why should they even care?
Peter is an Austrian Economist, he knows the end result of all this monetary expansion, maybe what he doesn't talk about is the biological limits of this planet. I think he would say high prices are the cure for food shortages, people will have to start gardens as the market adjusts.