I am sickend by the politicians and their useful idiots protesting accountability in government. It is so obvious they are complicit and or outright guilty at every level of government. It is time for a change, not more of the same. These are people stealing money from hard working taxpayers, plain and simple. “If you throw a rock at a pack of dogs, the guilty ones always yelp.” I am hearing alot of yelping.
I'm finding it more humorous by the day at the grasping at straws to try to justify what is obvious money laundering of taxpayer dollars to pet causes. I hope some of the more serious crimes and who was engaging in them comes to light.
Yes, Bert. It is violent thuggery, and everyone feels financially raped. I keep reading about folks who stopped paying their extortion fees, using some kind of written documentation. The problem is, they all ask us to pay for the information! How is that helping the situation? The only way to stop the slavery system is to refuse to participate en masse, but everyone is so afraid of the consequences that it doesn't happen. I have to admit that this system of fear-and-force is the iceberg of which my recent DMV Hellscape experience is merely the tip.