The Truth Shall Set You Free
We have been held captive by our wannabe globalist/communist oppressors by the abandonment and corruption of one of our most important freedoms, Free Speech.
Governments and corrupted politicians controlled the narrative for years through their corporate minions who owned the Mainstream Media. Now all of that has changed with the alternative media taking over by simply allowing free speech. It's not rocket science but Elon figured it out and changed Twitter/ X for the better. Now everybody who wants to continue to be profitable and relevant is getting on board.
All it takes is a few brave souls to make a very big difference. Look at how fast the globalist/ communist narrative is unraveling and changing everything. Let's not forget this lesson ever again.
A quote from one of my favorite Vietnam war movies, "Free your mind and your ass will follow"
Had zero hopes it would unravel so quickly (or at all). What a time to be alive.
"Free your mind and your ass will follow"
Love it!