The social media accounts for the Army helicopter pilot Have been scrubbed clean from the internet. They used this same tactic when Obama announced his run for President. This tells us they are covering up something very bad as we know from the history of the Obama administration. Sunshine is the best sanitizer. Innocent people are dead and someone needs to be held accountable in the government.
Trump vowed to bring an end to this lawlessness now let’s get busy and see some heads roll. At the bare minimum this was second degree murder.
Bregin on Substack has a great story covering this as does Gateway Pundit.
We don't want revenge, we want punishment.
the 1960’s. That was the impetus behind Lemnitzer’s ‘Operation Northwoods’ rejected pitch to JFK re Cuba to paint up a military refueling tanker like a commercial airliner and shot it down to blame the Russians. Many believe any planes flown into the WTC towers were likely military refueling jets, as multiple sources on the ground stated no windows reported on the sides of what were called “gray” planes.