How much technology do we really need?
We can get by without it. Are we better off with it? Looking around at our present world condition, my answer is we would be better off without it. Some good things in healthcare have come from it. Outside of that point, it gets murky when you read about people who get by without it. I think the answer might be that when we start having technology for the sake of technology, it becomes self serving.
It seems to me, to be dehumanizing when we live and wonder around in our electronic gulags. Look at the weapons that use it to become more efficient at killing people. Now they are wanting a digital currency to know about, tax, and profit from every transaction ever made. They turn off your bank account like the did in Canada if you do not obey. Don’t forget Transhumanism and all the perils that might come along with that. Then you have the Chinese Social Credit Score, that determines what you can and can’t do based on your obedience to their norms.
As I sit her typing and reading information from all over the world……….
Some technology has made life easier, although that doesn't necessarily equate to "better." The psychopathic tyrants who use non-terrestrial technology to develop "tools of convenience" also like to define terms such as "convenient" while they profit off distracting us from the thoughts and activities that truly serve us and the Earth.
For example, mass-produced textiles make life more "convenient," but at what cost? Slave labor, cheap materials, the need to have a "job" in order to make money to pay for the goods, which takes time away from family and home and the local community, who would be the ones doing the textile production in the first place!
Call me a Luddite, but I am starting to see the slow-walked agenda of control in flashing neon signs! (As I, too, type on my slave-labor-made computer into a black screen instead of making stuff, haha.)
Previously linked this one @ on 09/17/24. Good article!!