Today Fox News reported that climate change activists are vandalizing statues and demanding Biden take immediate action on climate change. Sound familiar?
The COVID scare is losing it’s luster but it is not worn out yet. Time for the professional protesters to open their closet and look past the Antifa and BLM uniforms and dawn the climate change apparel and slogans.
The Andrew Jackson statue was their new villain. Protesters shouted to Biden that they demand change now because their lives feel threatened. Time for all of us to not pay attention to the 30 trillion dollar debt or the fact that Biden is sending more tax dollars to Afghanistan. Perhaps the money is to aid the Americans and our allies who are still trapped there. I could go on but most of you know the rest of the story.
Sad thing is, it will generate media coverage, and advertising revenue because the show must go on. Never stop being afraid or the media and the government lose power if you stop.
You got it, Bert: It is ALL A STAGE SHOW for the benefit of the masters and their high-up puppets-in-the-spotlight, from the Pope to politicians, athletes, globalists, government agents, secret societies, and celebrities. "Plebes to the curb for your pittance, or you'll catch this whip."
We must never give our energy to these black magicians and their soulless drone parade. As for those who refuse to open their eyes, all we can do is keep telling them what we see from outside their dark cave. We can't force them to face the fact that they are being CONNED.
Keep writing!