For a month or so we have witnessed the fake drama of the yearly debt ceiling debacle. The financial media was predicting gloom and doom along with the potential for a default and the end of the world.
The deal was made and the Uniparty politicians were all being touted as saving us all from the abyss of a default. When you look at the real numbers here, you can see more inflation down the road and a bigger more expensive government.
While I am certainly no economist, it appears that the USSA is behaving like an irresponsible debtor about to declare bankruptcy while buying a new wardrobe and scheduling an expensive vacation. The financial path the USSA is on is certainly heading for a dead-end and the only possible way to explain it is that the Military Industrial Complex (with its allies in congress and the corporate world) has opted for a Hail Mary play by pulling out all the stops in its efforts to destabilize and conquer Russia. It's as if our "leaders" are like a five-year-old playing 52-card-pickup with a deck of cards and they have no idea and no concern about Unintended Consequences.
Someday the debt will come back to bite every man woman and child in the ass, but until that time the Drunkin Sailors will continue to spend, spend and spend. However the people doing the spending it will not effect, because they obviously got their cut.