I recently read an article that revived a major pet peeve of mine. https://merionwest.com/2021/04/18/james-burnham-foreseeing-our-managerial-domination/
I have listened to Trump and many Republicans lament the power of the deep state. It is a real and systemic problem. There is only one way to beat it, or at least shrink it down to size. Defund it by not supporting massive deficit spending and running up the debt. The government is too big and powerful, even Obama once quipped, that it was so big as to be unmanageable.
We need a balanced budget and deep cuts in our federal and many state governments. As citizens and business owners we must balance our budgets to stay viable. The politicians do not have any restrictions on their spending or behavior. They print more money which is one of the most regressive taxes of all that hurts everyone by inflation. More dollars printed and in circulation means each dollar buys less.
Adding insult to injury they raise taxes on our earnings and profits. This is double taxation, plain and simple. In the words of an ancient Chinese sage “The government is like a dragon, the more you feed it the bigger it gets. It will never get smaller.”