The New York Mayor is under investigation by the Feds for several counts of corruption. It seems that he was squeaky clean and the ultimate DEI Mayor for a blue city.
Illegal immigrants pour into New York City and overwhelm city services causing him political pain. He goes public with his complaints to the media, and not long after that he is under investigation.
Coincidence or not, you decide, but it sure sounds like retribution to me. The message here is clear to other blue city Mayors, this is a message no doubt. It’s alright to be corrupt if you do not question the party line narrative.
New York is now the Big Rotten Apple.🍎
The message is crystal clear! That's what these games are about:
They pick a patsy to take the heat and become a role model for "what not to do" in order to keep people towing the slave line. This applies to politicians and plebes alike.
Notice that — at least here in the US — they don't wipe out tens or hundreds of thousands of us in one fell swoop. They would never get away with that! We, the People, would absolutely revolt against such heinousness!
Instead, their main tactic is to "take down" one of their own for disobeying Command Central. But I think these patsies don't get offed; they get re-located, just the bishops and archbishops and priests who have been "selected" as the "one ped*phile" in the diocese. Change names, maybe get some cosmetic surgery, etc.
Also, they use the media to machinate fake events because they know the average person takes at face value what they are shown on tv and the Intel-net: Zero critical thinking.
I mean, seriously, as much as I have written against the establishment, I should be in a torture chamber somewhere under the Denver airport, right?!?! I laugh, but that's because I think these black magicians and their cushy-job-keeping career clowns put on a good show to keep fearful people IN FEAR, always. They simply cannot overplay their hand without risking a mass awakening, although they have been VERY BRAZEN AND SUPER-SLOPPY since the CovAin't because they are desperate to achieve their transhuman/slave agenda.
What do you think?!
Just read the post... working OK now. You are right, they will overlook what lefties do unless...