Overall, I am a large supporter of Trump’s presidency and ideas for his next term. That being sad, in his ten point framework he forgot some key points.
He spoke about reigning in the deep state and I agree with that, it is out of control. My advice on how to do that would be balance the budget and start paying down the debt. Starve them out of cash and black ops money.
No more foreign aid or free protection from our military. If countries ask for financial help, give them loans and charge them interest and take collateral. China does this.
This one is a biggie with me and many other Trump supporters. Apologize for supporting the COVID vaccines. Pray to God for redemption and ask all of the families of those harmed and killed for forgiveness. Admit you were wrong because you were. I will give him credit for not saying they were mandatory, but it stops there.
If it is a choice between him and Biden, I will still vote for him, but hold my nose to do it. Biden and the people who control him are a no go for me.
I wish to thank all of my supporters if you agree with me or not. If we do not look for and find common ground, we are lost.
Thank you for reading and your comments.
"Starve them out of cash and black ops money." This is an economic must!
"Apologize for supporting the COVID vaccines." And for pushing covid as a "pandemic."