Defund the local police.
Do not prosecute criminals.
Release thousands of illegal immigrants who are unvetted.
Create anarchy.
Allow a massive terror attack.
Calls for law and order arise.
Send in the federal police and federalize the local police.
Make all courts federal courts.
The end of freedom in America.
This has happened repeatedly throughout history, please do not let that awful chapter repeat itself here.
Are you one of the 5 Wise Virgins?
Behold, The Bridegroom cometh...
Yahweh, god of the Israelites, attempted to suppress/censor knowledge from his “creation”. Ask yourself, when is KNOWLEDGE ever good or evil? Knowledge is always NEUTRAL, neither positive or negative. Wisdom and intent is the application of said knowledge. Without knowledge of good and evil Adam and Eve would not known how to navigate CONSCIOUSLY through this physical realm. What I’m saying is the thousand yrs of peace and love came right after Adam and Eve accepted the KNOWLEDGE. Just as Yahweh(god of the Israelites attempted to sensor KNOWLEDGE) so do the powers that be today. We see doctors and reputable scientists getting ridiculed and canceled for their KNOWLEDGE! Use your brains Humanity, Adam lived to 930, never fought in a conflict or war. The “serpent” was “CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS”. The serpent foiled the OPPRESSORS ill intent so the “serpent” was demonized.
So when you say “where we are”, I put us right in this time frame. Fraudulent existence perpetuated Satans eternal desire to oppress! Please read my two articles. I’ll post them below. Blessings!🙏🌎