I thought that we had a pretty good handle on what was happening and how. My understanding was quite limited as this article points out. Even with all that is said here, I think there is still a way out of this mess. I am not sure what that is and it may mean divine intervention to stop it or it may be our 40 years in the desert as punishment for not complying to these control freaks.
It is a good read and well worth your time.
Many thanks Bert for getting the 'Word of our Creator' out into the world. We will all be tested as the 'End Times' emerge according to His Will: “Whenever it is that they are saying: ‘Peace and Security!’ then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them.”—1 Thessalonians, 5:3.
"Conditions in human society today certainly parallel what happened on earth just before God destroyed an ancient world by means of a global flood, sparing only righteous Noah and his family. In those days, the Bible says: “YHWA saw that the badness of man was abundant in the earth, and the earth came to be ruined in the sight of the true God and the earth became filled with violence.” (Gen. 6:5,11). Just as the days of Noah were, Jesus Christ foretold, so it is in our time. (Matthew. 24:37)
Once again the entire earth is “filled with violence” because “the badness of man” is abundant. Such conditions before the Flood gave evidence of the impending end of that ancient system of things. So today the evidence of our world conditions in fulfilment of Bible prophecy clearly establishes the fact that this present system of things is in its “time of the end, its “last days.” This has been so according to - Daniel12:4; and Matthew 24:3-14; and 2 Timothy. 3:1-5.
It is written and I rest my case.
Thanks for the share, Bert. He's on it, even if he doesn't talk about the spiritual component of the wayward wizards' plan.
I hope you're doing well!