A Constitutional Republic is the better of all forms of government, since its man-made laws are intended to uphold God's Law/Natural Law. Unfortunately, all forms of government, including a Constitutional Republic, are corrupted and tyrannical, since we are Divinely designed to rule ourselves, not each other. Government is antithetical to the Divine Order. Thus, when immature, weak people are given (or they grab) power over others, they will abuse it because it's an abuse against the Natural Order. And of that course, absolutely *no one* gets to keep a cushy gig without pledging allegiance to the CONs and their black magic + legal mumbo-jumbo systems. It may *appear* that "there are some good people in high places," but I think they're mind-controlled to play the role of Good Cop to keep people believing in the ruse.
It's so bad and ugly. I can comprehend why most people don't want to look what's behind the curtain: It's too much for them to bear because of all the psycho-spiritual work they've been avoiding that would need to be done in short order. Nonetheless, the truth is being exposed.
Check out todays version of the SGT Report now on Substack. The guest goes into mach of what you have discussed and made the rest of us aware of. The video is on Rumble too.
I am in alignment with most of what they explained. There were some allusions to the US government having *one party in particular* (not the "Demonrats") that is supposedly the savior in all this madness, despite Marty saying several times, in different ways, that our spiritual connection to God is of the utmost importance. As you know by now, I think of the red and blue parties as two wings of the same corrupted bird. But otherwise, I think the discussion was very good!
I didn't learn anything new, but it was great to hear Marty speak with such enthusiasm and confidence that our Divinity is the key to winning this spiritual war sooner than later. I'm not sure, however, that he thinks of this as anything more than "another cycle" as has been happening "since the beginning of creation" "down here, meaning 'the material plane'" (his words as best I recall in quotes). In other words, it is unclear whether he thinks that winning THIS spiritual battle is permanent. That's a bit troubling to me.
Thank you for your perspective. Reading it helps me in formulating my own opinions and thought processes regarding this. This will be a never ending war because evil never rests and neither should we.
I do believe that many people of a spiritual nature see this life as transitory, so when we die, we do win, unless we come back in another form to continue the conflict.
I do not believe in the two party political system any more, two different busses driving us over the same cliff. Our government is so corrupt the only way to fix it peacefully would be to shrink it down to a manageable size. A balanced budget would easily do that. "The government is like a dragon, the more you feed it the bigger it gets. It will never get smaller" Lao Tsu
"...two different busses driving us over the same cliff."
That made me laugh out loud!
And thank you, as always, for sharing your insights and perspectives. I suppose the fact that "evil never rests" is troubling to me because I want so much to be able to vanquish it singlehandedly, which is ridiculous, no matter how hard I work at doing so (and I *do* work hard)!
Well thought out comment. I much prefer a Republic for the obvious reasons. Jordan Snachtel on Substack calls it our Uniparty. All like minded, self centered, and corrupt, no real difference between the parties we now have......and yes the truth is being exposed.
The rabbit holes keep getting deeper and deeper. Good article, Bert.
Seems to be bottomless. Thanks, Ben.
A Constitutional Republic is the better of all forms of government, since its man-made laws are intended to uphold God's Law/Natural Law. Unfortunately, all forms of government, including a Constitutional Republic, are corrupted and tyrannical, since we are Divinely designed to rule ourselves, not each other. Government is antithetical to the Divine Order. Thus, when immature, weak people are given (or they grab) power over others, they will abuse it because it's an abuse against the Natural Order. And of that course, absolutely *no one* gets to keep a cushy gig without pledging allegiance to the CONs and their black magic + legal mumbo-jumbo systems. It may *appear* that "there are some good people in high places," but I think they're mind-controlled to play the role of Good Cop to keep people believing in the ruse.
It's so bad and ugly. I can comprehend why most people don't want to look what's behind the curtain: It's too much for them to bear because of all the psycho-spiritual work they've been avoiding that would need to be done in short order. Nonetheless, the truth is being exposed.
Check out todays version of the SGT Report now on Substack. The guest goes into mach of what you have discussed and made the rest of us aware of. The video is on Rumble too.
Watching the video now, thank you!
Let me know what you think.
I am in alignment with most of what they explained. There were some allusions to the US government having *one party in particular* (not the "Demonrats") that is supposedly the savior in all this madness, despite Marty saying several times, in different ways, that our spiritual connection to God is of the utmost importance. As you know by now, I think of the red and blue parties as two wings of the same corrupted bird. But otherwise, I think the discussion was very good!
I didn't learn anything new, but it was great to hear Marty speak with such enthusiasm and confidence that our Divinity is the key to winning this spiritual war sooner than later. I'm not sure, however, that he thinks of this as anything more than "another cycle" as has been happening "since the beginning of creation" "down here, meaning 'the material plane'" (his words as best I recall in quotes). In other words, it is unclear whether he thinks that winning THIS spiritual battle is permanent. That's a bit troubling to me.
Thank you for your perspective. Reading it helps me in formulating my own opinions and thought processes regarding this. This will be a never ending war because evil never rests and neither should we.
I do believe that many people of a spiritual nature see this life as transitory, so when we die, we do win, unless we come back in another form to continue the conflict.
I do not believe in the two party political system any more, two different busses driving us over the same cliff. Our government is so corrupt the only way to fix it peacefully would be to shrink it down to a manageable size. A balanced budget would easily do that. "The government is like a dragon, the more you feed it the bigger it gets. It will never get smaller" Lao Tsu
"...two different busses driving us over the same cliff."
That made me laugh out loud!
And thank you, as always, for sharing your insights and perspectives. I suppose the fact that "evil never rests" is troubling to me because I want so much to be able to vanquish it singlehandedly, which is ridiculous, no matter how hard I work at doing so (and I *do* work hard)!
Well thought out comment. I much prefer a Republic for the obvious reasons. Jordan Snachtel on Substack calls it our Uniparty. All like minded, self centered, and corrupt, no real difference between the parties we now have......and yes the truth is being exposed.