Unfortunately, YES, their followers *are* that dumb. They have been mind-controlled through black-screen-boxes and public education. I recently met with one of my former professors, whom I haven't seen for about seven years. She is totally woke, including the politics and AI. Walking the walk and talking the talk. It's very sad. She is otherwise a very bright woman, and was arguably one of the best rhetorical critics in academia, yet her theses now stem only from the woke agenda. I wonder how she would react if she ever read through my Substack😳😵!
This is a perfect example of how the evildoers have used our human empathy and compassion as a tool for their inverted, perverted plan. We saw that on full display during the CovAin't. Herding the compliers into believing in climate change and pew-pew control by pilfering more hard-earned money for their actual transhuman slavery agenda is a cakewalk. We can only pray that more people wake up from woke.
If they are not spending our money on worthless projects, they are considering protecting our form of government and those willing to run for office. Everyone knows it takes years to select and train a Secret Service agent. Anyone who imagines that new agents could be in the Field before November is a fool.
That is true, the allocation of available assets seems to be at least part of the problem here. Nobody is going to kill Joe or his Wife. Nobody is going to kill Kamala because they don’t want Tampon Tim. Assination insurance. Plus all the shooters since Kennedy have been Democrat lunatics.
If President Trump survives the 3rd and 4th attempts on his life, he has promised to release the records of JFK's assassination, and we will learn whether the CIA organized it, co-ordinated it, and carried it out.
The truth must never get out or we will realize the CIA has been in control of the USSA for 61 years. The Marxists will never allow Trump back in the White House.
Unfortunately, YES, their followers *are* that dumb. They have been mind-controlled through black-screen-boxes and public education. I recently met with one of my former professors, whom I haven't seen for about seven years. She is totally woke, including the politics and AI. Walking the walk and talking the talk. It's very sad. She is otherwise a very bright woman, and was arguably one of the best rhetorical critics in academia, yet her theses now stem only from the woke agenda. I wonder how she would react if she ever read through my Substack😳😵!
This is a perfect example of how the evildoers have used our human empathy and compassion as a tool for their inverted, perverted plan. We saw that on full display during the CovAin't. Herding the compliers into believing in climate change and pew-pew control by pilfering more hard-earned money for their actual transhuman slavery agenda is a cakewalk. We can only pray that more people wake up from woke.
They have no excuse...
If they are not spending our money on worthless projects, they are considering protecting our form of government and those willing to run for office. Everyone knows it takes years to select and train a Secret Service agent. Anyone who imagines that new agents could be in the Field before November is a fool.
That is true, the allocation of available assets seems to be at least part of the problem here. Nobody is going to kill Joe or his Wife. Nobody is going to kill Kamala because they don’t want Tampon Tim. Assination insurance. Plus all the shooters since Kennedy have been Democrat lunatics.
If President Trump survives the 3rd and 4th attempts on his life, he has promised to release the records of JFK's assassination, and we will learn whether the CIA organized it, co-ordinated it, and carried it out.
Releasing records is one piece of their vicious campaign to discredit or silence him.
The truth must never get out or we will realize the CIA has been in control of the USSA for 61 years. The Marxists will never allow Trump back in the White House.
Comes a time
Time does not exist. We are in a "loop" of unfortunate events that will continue to repeat themselves until the Space Aliens take over.