Sometimes I think that even people like us who read and study these issues can't begin to comprehend how big the federal government has gotten... At least, I can't. The trillions and trillions of dollars that get thrown around and the constant demand for more. Most of the money going to people who have not been elected and aren't accountable to the citizens. Can you imagine what George Washington and Thomas Jefferson would think if they could see what has happened?

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No doubt our founders are spinning in their graves. "The government is like a dragon, the more you feed it the bigger it gets. It will never get smaller." Lao Tzu He knew this a long time ago.

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Imagining Washington and Jefferson with friends and compatriots imagining this and reacting? If they were here and in power would imagine they would have identified these trends and rallied the populace to stop them in their tracks a long time ago. Quite e few Americans have watched this happening throughout their own lifetimes and through that of their parents and grandparents - if not longer. Tyranny/authoritarianism/fascism have always lurked at the heart of the American dream. The telltale signs must be watched for and recognized early, when these can be stopped.

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Agreed. Just learning from even relatively recent history would be a good start. It is not complicated to connect the dots or I certainly would not be able to do it. So hard to wake people up that are all too comfortable in their sleep.

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Yes, but now that the tides begin to turn we need to figure out how to engage them in a fruitful way. Going to be a great deal of anger & frustration.

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Yes there will be on both sides. There may be no easy way out. I doubt if either side will back down when it gets to that point of no return. 😬

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The truth is there seems to be little oversight into where the money goes on almost any Government project, it actually boils down to theft of the American People. Milton Freedman once said, "If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there'd be a shortage of sand."

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Oh, I liked that.

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"You can't love your country only when you win" - Brandon

It was not so long ago when Mike Obama said he'd never loved America before his husband had been elected POTUS.

According to Charlie Kirk, Brandon referred to Republicans 16 times in his speech and used the term MAGA 13 times. Not surprisingly, the zombie-puppet made no comments regarding the economy, the Fentanyl epidemic, the border, COVID, or Afghanistan.

We are a nation of anaesthetized robots led by a clique of elite totalitarians controlled by money.

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Well said Charles.

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Yes, true the truth often emerges from the unlikeliest places. In these times of intense propaganda being an information junkie can be a great thing. Often propaganda betrays itself. When something is based on lies it tends to become ensnared in them.

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Well said.

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I agree with that approach, and yes the pain will come and will be felt most by those caught unaware.

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I am about halfway thru part one. This movement has a shady history and some of the worst chapters of history as a part of it. Going back for more tomorrow.

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