I’ve been telling everyone this is my fantasy for months. I dont see any way it can happen though. Two big egos working together? Nah.

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I think we could consider Kari Lake or Tulsi into that mix as a possibility.

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Good thought Bert - but have you forgotten who actually runs this world? The politics are just Kabuki Theatre to distract the masses and make them believe they have a say - we have NO say: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nyvxt1svxso

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I refuse to give up to that notion, even though some days are a struggle to keep the tiny optimist alive. I trust in God not in men. God can work thru good men and change things for the better, we have read the Bible enough to know that.

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Bravo Bert - the Bible actually has all the answers if the masses would choose to read it. The wisdom contained therein is beyond magical IMHO.

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And when you have listened to George Calin - read this, it's a long read (67 pages), But it tells the plan that the Globalists are working to - and it happening NOW - after 75 years! https://cdn.getmidnight.com/6908ab1f9a9ecdaba4ee2509cb3451aa/files/2023/01/Silent-Weapons-for-Quiet-Wars-An-Introduction-Programming-Manual-Operations-Rese.pdf

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I have always been a fan of his and Zappa's politics.

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Truth-tellers always appeal to me Bert.

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We have that in common. It is sometimes found in unlikely sources, as we both know.

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We are always on the same page Bert. It is a privilege to have you as my mentor.

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I kind of see it the other way around. I am humbled by your thoughts in that regard.

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While I will never regret voting for Trump twice, the thrill is gone. I hate to say it (because he was a great president), but he COULD HAVE pardoned Julian Assange and Edward Snowden. He COULD HAVE demanded an investigation of the Epstein murder.

My "dream team" for 2024 would be Rand Paul and Tulsi Gabbard. If nothing radical happens in the next 16 months, I'll probably vote Libertarian.

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I will vote for a ticket with any of these candidates on it Trump, Lake, Gabbard, Kennedy, Paul ,Jordan, and maybe a few more. The third party idea is to make the Uniparty obsolete like the Whigs.

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I agree with all of your choices, Bert. I just hope the state sends me enough ballots for vote for all these good people.

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LOL that was funny. Just register as a Democrat and watch your wish come true.

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I won't be voting at all Charles because I won't be here. I am going south to my lovely Cape Town before the end of the year. Enjoy your 'King of the North' because I will be with my 'King of the South'!

During the two world wars, Germany had been the chief enemy of the King of the South and the Anglo-American World Power had occupied the position of the King of the North. With these two kings began the long struggle between “the King of the North” and “the King of the South,” described in Daniel Chapter 11.

With the overthrow of the Nazi-Fascist Axis Powers at the close of WW2 in 1945 the ruling factors of Communist Russia undertook the role of the “King of the North,” whose long history is set forth in Daniel’s prophecy, Chapter 11.

Today, read [Daniel 11:40-43]. This part of the prophecy provides an overview of the time of the end. The passage highlights the rivalry between the King of the North and the King of the South. As foretold by Daniel, in the time of the end, the King of the South would engage with the King of the North “in a pushing,” or he would “lock horns with him.”​ [Daniel 11:40;]

It's lots of reading Charles but IMHO worth it, but I expect you know this already. Here is the real plan: https://cdn.getmidnight.com/6908ab1f9a9ecdaba4ee2509cb3451aa/files/2023/01/Silent-Weapons-for-Quiet-Wars-An-Introduction-Programming-Manual-Operations-Rese.pdf

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Vote with your feet is a practical solution.

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I've done it all my life, Bert - it's why I take to the high seas - they can't get me there LOL :-)

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Bert Powers

Well that's left me Unshocked.

the whole article is terrifying, summed up let's take over everything with cold hard reasoning without any real moral values whatsoever. Looked at through the eyes of cold hard reasoning one could do this especially if you're tendency is to be one evil piece of shit. Sounds kind of like what's going on around us now. Being a little optimistic I'd say it's going to get worse, but eventually if they push the cattle into a corner, there hopefully will be a stampede out of the corner and these scum bags will all get crushed in the rush. On the pessimistic side, We are all gonna die, but even then a lot of the cows will go down fighting. Hopefully at my age, I will not be around to even witness what's coming, the ultimate cop out.

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Good comment. May hope is the third party that would challenge the Uniparty.

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LOL at my age too it is of no concern - merely an interesting academic exercise. Of course I fear for my children and grandchildren which is why I wrote my book in 2013 after the Cyrus bank robbery. But they have largely dismissed it. You can take the horse to water...etc.


The essence of my thesis is encapsulated in my article here: The End of Growth: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/the-financial-jigsaw-part-2-the-end?s=w

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I have had the same experience with mine. They do not understand the magnitude of what is coming their way, too busy living in the present.

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We are always told to stay in the 'NOW' per Eckhart Tolle - I wonder why? https://medium.com/mind-cafe/eckhart-tolle-the-moment-you-realize-you-are-not-present-you-are-present-9b0f4d394589 If you stay in the NOW Bert, you can't see the train coming?

Humm - I wonder who's paying him?

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A Google ad popped up when I opened it. Dude sounds a bit nihilistic to me.

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Jul 8, 2023Liked by Bert Powers

For now, since no 3rd party has ever, even come close to a majority, I see a 3rd Party choice as nothing more than a fantasy. So we are stuck with 2 party's that really are exactly the same except for their false talk. As one article you posted, the last statement by Doug Casey holds true meaning for everyone, basically stay in America and accept tyranny or fight it, or wait it all out in a foreign country somewhere.

It’s important to remember that although most members of the police and the military are decent and generally conservative people, they will follow orders, even if they don’t like them. That’s because they’re trained to do so. But also because they don’t want to get into trouble; they all have house payments, car payments, credit card payments, and other debts. They can’t afford to lose their jobs—a pretty different dynamic than was the case in the Revolution or the 19th century.

They’ll do what they’re told. That’s a real danger when you have Jacobins in control of the apparatus of the State, as we now do. (You'll need to look up the word Casey uses here, I use the term scum bags.)

As far as the average American is concerned, including those reading this now, fighting against the State is dangerous and impossible as a practical matter. Doing so will just result in your being rounded up and imprisoned.

It would be like what happened on January 6th, multiplied by a hundred. Fuhgedabowdit.

I’ve said for years that the US is on the verge of an actual civil war because the factions in the country really hate each other, and they just can’t communicate. If things get really dire, it might be wise to be abroad, just as it was wise to be out of the country during the war Between the States from 1861 to 1865.

It’s too bad the US no longer has the equivalent of California in 1860, a place you could go, seek opportunity, and remain uninvolved with all the foolishness.

Make some contingency plans. But remember, time is short.

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The third party thing is just a dream of mine and so is an incorruptible politician. Growing our own food and networking with others who are like minded is our plan. A community of people looking out for one another. Perhaps with some off the grid thinking we can survive whatever happens, and maybe not. We have too much family here to move, too many roots. So we will just continue to pray for the best and prepare for the worst.

That wreck we were in reminded me of our own fragility in the grand scheme of things and what is important in life.

God and faith are our cornerstones.

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Jul 8, 2023Liked by Bert Powers

I see our views differ somewhat, I see most of this so called shortage of energy today as being nothing more than indoctrination and propaganda by TPTB, since these folks control almost everything it will continue. Education, Governments, MSM that puts out the propaganda it is all controlled by TPTB totally. Some call it the Matrix, whatever it's called it is real. "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." - William J. Casey, CIA Director (1981) Rest assured that time and time again it's becoming very clear the World is being run by complete detestable scum bags and their hoards of useful idiots, that try to manipulate us all on a daily basis. However, it falls upon the people, us, because we did allow it all to get as far as it did, and it very well may not be correctable, at least not without the loss of countless lives. It is sad, but in the meantime we must all try to live our lives to the fullest as best we can. As you say, I fear most for the young, and our loved one's who will still be around to see whatever may come.

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Yes, we need to make the best of whatever is dealt to us. Divine intervention is the only thing that can save our Republic now. I hope and pray for that every day. I try to wake the kids up to all of this but they are too busy making a living, raising kids, and being distracted by social media.

The garden is doing well this year with some great returns already.

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