I'm just going to say the thing you aren't supposed to say. Better requires different leaders.

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That is the bottom line, well said.

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Agreed - but where are they? Winston died a long time ago and the last statesman reminded us about the dangers of the MIC: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/climate-scam-mayday-ai-doomed-gay?utm_source=twitter&sd=pf

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The era of the great statesman is now over and we are to be ruled by dumbed down corrupt politicians, who have a price tag dangling around their neck, when it should be a hemp necktie.

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I tend to agree but this too shall pass. While I don't subscribe to the caesar theory, I do think we are tipping towards a strong man coming to power in the west. Could be a few of them in different places. But competence will be very appealing.

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I agree with your thinking on this, historically what you say here is correct when you study trends.

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That pretty much sums it up. Have you read the book The Most Dangerous Superstition, by Larken Rose? It really opened my eyes to what I previously thought was mere ineptitude to the reality that governments "manage the narrative with fear and force," as you say so eloquently. It is by design.

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Sounds like one I will have to read, always open to more points of view to widen my horizons. Safe travels.

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It's a short, easy read.

We're starting the roadtrip first week in July!

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Bert Powers

All of Larken's books are good and you learn stuff you never, ever knew, especially because the education system doesn't want you to learn it.

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I am interested.

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Bert Powers

Sharine mentioned one Book another is Kicking the Dragon. Larken Rose Bit Chute Channel is linked below;


The guy is an Anarchist, he went to jail for tax evasion, keep in mind taxes are Voluntary, LOL.

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Spent some time in the drunk tank as a youth. Jail is something to be avoided, was my experience.

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Bert Powers

When I received my draft notice, I was in the drunk tank a dozen times, because I was too young to drink, but I was old enough to kill people in the service. Oh, for tax evasion you go to jail for a little longer than a little drunk tank, I sometimes was only in the Jail for a few hours, once over night.

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Funny how that works in the realm of government logic or lack of it. My last stint in jail was for and entire holiday weekend. Saw the Judge that morning and then went to work afterward. The Judge told me ‘he never wanted to see me again’ so I made that happen.

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Yes indeed Sharine - by design it surely is. HMG even publish their plans!


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From the "toolkit":

"People also deliberately spread false or manipulated information. Usually, it is because the individuals and organisations that create it have something to gain from deception. Disinformation refers to verifiably false information that is shared with an intent to deceive and mislead. It can often have harmful consequences."

Haha! The government workers who put these crap *programs* together are themselves deeply programmed and indoctrinated.🤖 They are clueless that is the agencies they work for that are the ACTUAL people referred to in that paragraph!🤡

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Agreed in full, and there is no 'just following orders' for a bypassing hell, card when the check out of this world. We have moved past that marker.

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Right on. I don't know if you saw this, but a couple of weeks ago Jerome V. asked about forgiving people who were "just following orders," and this was my reply to him:

"I think of it more like "having compassion for" them. We have all been traumatized since birth. Actually, most of us were poisoned in the womb by mothers who smoked/drank alcohol, who were on pharmaceutical drugs, who used toxic chemicals in the household or workplace, who were force-vaccinated, who ate processed/genetically modified foods. This trauma, and that of the standard hospital birthing process, stays with us until we heal it. Most people are so deeply traumatized that they can't bear to acknowledge it, let alone begin the healing process.

So, personally, I can't literally *forgive* them, since they haven't taken responsibility for their own lives and are thus acting out the machine-mind forced on them through repeated trauma. Until they acknowledge the harms they have committed and formally apologize, I will offer them my compassion but not my forgiveness. Forgiving someone is the GRACE THEY EARN by acknowledging their wrongdoing.

Forgiving them without their acknowledgment of wrongdoing is part of how we got to this place! When someone is causing harm, we need to hold them accountable. But the wayward wizards over the last couple of decades have been pushing the forgiveness when it is undeserved. People have happily stopped calling others out on wrongdoing, because it takes COURAGE, and they have none.

The fact that this all happens because of ancestral trauma calls for compassion. But if a parent or teacher, boss or store owner, governor or hospital worker, refuses to say, "I consciously manipulated (or even forced) you to wear a mask, social distance, get jabbed, and/or I refused service to you because you declined, and that was wrong. I am wholeheartedly sorry that I inflicted harm upon you. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?", then I would forgive them. That doesn't mean I would ever trust them again. They would need to actively do their psycho-spiritual work in order to gain back my trust!

Do I see anyone doing this? No. Most people are diving deeper into their unconscious traumatic past because it is familiar territory during this horrific time."

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That was excellent and spot on. Like in the movie the Punisher “it is not about revenge it is about punishment” and unless they come clean their mortal souls are at risk of being in the worst possible place ever imagined.

Like you, I feel that even if they come clean, I will never forget.

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There is something deeply toxic in the human ability to inflict pain and distress in another. This might offer an explanation but others say the experiment was fixed? Will we ever know the truth? https://www.simplypsychology.org/milgram.html

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Jordan Peterson spoke of some research regarding the Nazi occupation troops and prison guards. Many were recruited from small town police forces. They were normal family men at home and became monsters when given authority over others, with no limitations on that authority. Scary to consider.

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This may be the same study that I mentioned to Sharine. It reminds me a bit of the thinking of the vaccine nonsense and those who are culpable in that horrible process.

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Indeed. I was originally a psychology major and I was horrified that such experiments were even allowed to occur, let alone the frightening results. The bizarre twist is that I know it was traumatizing for the "teachers" to "inflict pain" on "learners." It's just sick all around. Experimental psychology is the devil's playground.

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Makes me think of those experiments where the shock machines were used by students on their fellow students for incorrect answers. Can’t recall the precise study but it was chilling.

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I also learned this Sharine during my training as a humanistic counsellor in 1995-97. We covered psychodynamic (Freud) - which I rejected. Skinner in 'Rational Emotive Therapy' which I thought had good applications for OCD and other applications. But then I found Rogers - and I was enthralled - I love the approach of accepting another as a beautiful perfect spirit damaged by years of dysfunctional abuse (aka life).

I use this little book often and most effectively with those with the desire to move on when I walk with them on their journey of self-discovery. Magic happens all the time and the Angels never rest. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Love-Letting-Fear-Gerald-Jampolsky/dp/158761118X

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Thank you for your insights. I knew of Jampolsky's book but have not read it. Sounds like a good concept, one that I use in my life. Yes, magic (true synchronicity) happens often, if only we open our Creator-given senses to it!

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When I was a CPS Worker in Petoskey, MI., one of my co-workers was constantly going to court and removing children from negligent or abusive homes. In three years, I only went to court four times. Understanding and compassion are lacking in our society. 99% of criminals on Death Row spent time in foster care when they were children. Of course, the parents are mostly to blame; but breaking up families and sending children to strangers' homes is not a panacea. Some parents need a life vest instead of violent intervention.

It is unfortunate that our elected (or selected) officials seem to have no capacity to think ahead.

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Good for you. My Sister had 5 fetal alcohol affected kids placed in her home. Only one turned our to be a productive member of society. I guess that is much better than none. My Sister is much more saintly than I, she and her Husband are two of my heroes.

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"Fetal alcohol syndrome": a terrible thing to give to your unborn child. I once attended a meeting where dozens of CPS Workers and psychologists were treated to a freak show. One mother decided to turn her child into a sideshow and went on tour, making money by showing off her goofy son while he stood to the side of the stage, embarrassed. Some people are absolute turds.

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They were all from the same parents. Man that woman was a pure evil bitch, what a terrible fate for that poor child.😢

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I'm reading Jung's RED BOOK at this moment and I find myself floundering. Some part of her thought that by parading her nearly-adult son through her TOUR OF HUMILIATION that she was doing a Service to the world (like some including me do on Twitter)

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..and she was absolving herself of her sins. It was shameful and embarrassing to everyone.

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I can understand that. Only one way to get absolution from sin, and she missed it, and might have made it worse.

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Bert Powers

Yep, never let a good crisis go to waste, which leads to making a crisis to implement a solution.

Going down the Rabbit Hole; And I am not calling out the Jew, it’s the Zionist, it's the surface, this is a 5 part Series,


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I will give it a watch.

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Bert Powers

the whole 5 parts are kinda long, but even so they left out lot's, doing your own research puts you even further down the Rabbit Hole, to where you will never be able to climb back out again. Some call this reality the Matrix, I think we can see why now.

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No doubt about that.

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Without getting all kissy and weird, I have to say that you are a very thoughtful fellow and an intellectual. You might enjoy reading Jung's RED BOOK. The "Reader's Version" is affordable but sadly does not reproduce Jung's artwork or symbolic sculptures. I have been wading through this book for months (wasted a couple of weeks on the useless Introduction by Sonu Shamdasani) and I'm on page 373. May YHWH bless you all of your days.

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Ordered it from the library today. Thanks for sharing and your kindness.

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This is all so true Bert - just one example today when that pratt Sunak claimed his 'immigration policies' are working when we all know that the winds in the Channel have made it virtually impossible for dingies to make the trip. This arsehole has completely buried his credibility. Only a cretin would vote him into power next time. And yes, I know, many Brits are indeed unthinking cretins. And why do I know?

One of my wife's good friends and confident is a retired journalist of some repute. She reads my Letters for God sake, yet her and her husband have just gone off to get yet another a Covid Jab for the 'nth' time. I just stand in awe of the effects of mass Covid madness - fear is a great driver eh? And CULTS use this to great effect: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/the-covidian-cult-is-global-453

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The cult theory is probably the one that makes the most sense to me. I will never understand their thinking.

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You may know, Bert, that I am a trained humanistic counsellor (1997). And even my profession can't figure out 'cults' in all their forms. I am sure it's something to do with 'herd behaviour' - safety in groups goes right back the our primitive past. Perhaps our physical brain remains in the past to protect us from marauding predators - is that the root of our fears? Carnal knowledge and all that?

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I do think that many of our basic instincts come from our ancestors and that survival instinct.

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The herd instinct drives most human behavior (when the desire for sex or altered states of mind have not taken over). We are taught that the so-called Native Americans used every smidgeon of every buffalo they managed to kill, yet in South Dakota there is a historical display of how Indians used to drive entire herds off cliffs, kill them all, and leave most to waste.

We must never forget that in the 21st century, there are people who would do the same thing to us.

It all comes down to thinking creatively. Live where you are safe and be a blessing to your community.

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Your bottom line is the answer.

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I am astounded at the people who fell for this and more shocked at those who still do.

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Me too Bert - I stand in awe at the masses involuntary compliance - it's almost like they are merely robots - puppets on a string. Weren't the 60s so innocent and morally healthy? And she always sang in bare feet which told me something at the time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ga1kMdJCc_Q

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Things seemed so simple and wholesome in that era, compared to what we have today.

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Thank you, Charles. I feel they same way toward you and my other contributors. Always enjoy our exchanges, we have a grouping of great and open minds. I will give it a read and keep a copy for myself so I can read it at my leisure. The garden is first priority for the next few months.

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When people get hung up on details, they lose the true blessings of faith.

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