We currently have one party rule, the Uniparty. Made of of equal representations of Democrats and Republicans who vote the same on the big issues like running up the debt, wars, and bigger government. There are a few die hard loyal party members who stick to their guns, but not enough to really make a difference.
With a true opposition party half of this terrible governance could be stopped. Perhaps Trump and Kennedy could make a third party in either party by combining forces and systematically dismantling the mess we have now. Let’s call it a caucus. I know that may sound strange to not have an actual third party, but it would be real easy for the Uniparty to derail it, by regulations, rules and changing laws.
They could start with a balanced budget which would take care of the deep state and the war mongers. The rest would be easy as the limited funding would force shrinkage and lessen the honey pot of taxpayer funding for frivolous spending. Plus start paying down the debt and you have a perfect storm to defund the useless aspects of our government.
This way we get a real Democrat and a real Republican, each ideology has their traditional strengths which could right this listing ship we call a Republic.
Your thoughts for or against this idea are welcome.
I really like your idea, I really do. However, you just knew the however was coming didn't you now be honest. When your automobile frame has rusted completely through, the engine gave out a long time ago and the transmission is beyond repair, plus the computer doesn't know what's going on, you scrape the automobile, that's where it stands now, it's gone and it ain't coming back. Anything to discuss to fix the problem must be discussed the old analog method, otherwise the Tyrants will remove you one way or the other. Everything is bought and paid for so it is all controlled without the need for anybody's permission and it's in your face now on a daily basis.
A third party sounds great, but until that little clique of psychopaths is eradicated from the scene I doubt it would make any difference. When you control 95% of all the wealth in the world as well as the food supply and the medical establishment and the media and…………well you get the picture. These little bastards are pretty well insulated from us deplorables and most of us deplorables are easily corrupted…..after all “orders are orders” And….fear is a great motivator to go along with “the program”. TPTB wield the power of fear and retribution exceedingly well. I keep thinking we will reach some kind of critical mass and us “ deplorables” will rise up and clean these vermin out, but I just ain’t seein’ it yet. That being said, if we do ever get the numbers to do anything bout this situation, the whole system’s gotta go….it was flawed and easily corrupted from the very beginning. Humans being what they are, the Constitution was being actively subverted before the ink dried on the document. So……I have no answers r/t fixing “the system”, the “system” has gotta go. We can never have so much power concentrated in the hands of so few EVER AGAIN……it just won’t work. Radical decentralization is the only answer with power and authority wielded at the state or even the local level. It’s a lot easier controlling some wannabe dictator in Topeka or Olathe than in DC…..DC doesn’t represent us, they never did. So…tear up the Constitution…..it has failed miserably….and go back to “The Articles of Confederation”, clean out these scum……easier said than done….,get a sound commodity backed currency that can’t be manipulated, and never let so few psychos acquire so much power ever again…….and finally level DC and make it a giant parking lot.