This is how I grew up, on a 180-acre ranch in central Wisconsin. Our family garden was so big that my dad used his massive John Deere tractor to plow and disc the ground before we prepared to plant each spring!

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That is so cool. What a great way to grow up. You have kept those values from my perspective. We have a couple of acres here that we garden. Doubled the size each year for the last three years. Setting up our own little neighborhood economy with some selling eggs and dairy, honey, cattle ranchers, and various tradesmen. It is all in the beginning stages but gaining momentum.

They are referring to this type of thing as parallel economies. Tom Woods just did and article on it and is having a gathering in Texas promoting the idea.

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Wow, Bert, that's a fabulous "parallel economy" you've got going. It will surely do better than expected. Even though momentum in this direction is slow-going overall, a lot of people are catching on. Some of them don't even know that they are on a spiritual path and moving in the right direction. I think this is a sign that the Creator (and by extension, US) are using the "cracks in people's vases" to let more light shine in. I mean, the fake veneer of scientific materialism has to break down eventually!🤗 I think it was Lao Tsu who said, "There are three things that cannot be hidden for long: The Sun, The Moon, and The Truth."

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It has become obvious that we have to start thinking outside the box to maintain our freedom and individuality.Hopefully this thinking will catch on and people can regain and or keep our God given rights to freedom and liberty.

Let the control freaks control the controllable and leave the rest of us alone.

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It's true going back to basics is important, the problem is TPTB are forcing us to go back to basics, and once they've got us there, they will take our land and all of our assets, if we let them. I will defend my families tea garden, vegetable garden, rice paddies and of course the family itself until TPTB drag my ass away or kill me, as I'm sure you will also.

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I feel exactly the same way. We were cut from the same cloth with that Midwestern mindset of our era.

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