The dark side of abortion
Abortion has been marketed to mankind through the Luciferian Doctrine. It is entirely meant to break up the family and to nullify Life and the Divine Order while harvesting our sacred life-force.
Just reading this article which seems to correlate to furthering these types of criminal behavior.
"Biden HHS proposal would shield sex crimes, coerced abortions, child sterilization: critics"
"The proposed rulemaking, if approved, would change HIPAA's definitions of "person" to exclude human beings before birth, "reproductive health care" to "broadly" apply to the reproductive system, and "public health" to exclude use and disclosure of PHI for investigations or proceedings related to reproductive healthcare."
This not so well hidden depopulation agenda has been tried before by other despots and dictators. It has never ended well for them, but their ego's tell them they need fewer people and more control. " It' s hard to be king when everybody else has been pawned" Black Rebel Motorcycle Gang
This is truly a horrific story especially when you add this part in, and the fact that there has been no follow up from the GOP lawmakers to hold accountability as we know there will be none from any democrats what so ever.
" five additional children found in the same box who appeared to be of late-term gestation. According to PAAU, their apparent gestational age and injuries were consistent with the commission of federal crimes"
So true and this is but one mechanism of the depopulation agenda being used against us, and the bigger question is how many know about it and willing participants in it.
Hopefully it will be in this world and life they will pay first, and then in the next for eternity.
Ok, as far as in this world I strictly mean lawfully punishment, and as for Eternity I nor any of us have any part in that decision, and those committing atrocities against humanity, especially the unborn have that to answer for according to the word. However also according to the word they have time to repent and seek forgiveness for their transgressions.
Listening to a docuseries "Disease in Reverse" Ep 1 and they're discussing Dr. Buttar, and Sayer Ji making comments to that affect I agree with completely
He chose not to use the rhetorical intensity of Dr. Buttar because "some of those we may consider enemies who are literally harming us or trying to reduce our population, .... as a species, ... may come around to realize that it is not a good idea and a losing proposition, and the light in times of darkness will win out", paraphrased to shorten. Time will tell it any will come forth by those not embedded in the atheistic/satanistic beliefs of most behind this agenda.
I am with you on all of this. Sometimes I get emotional and consider going Old Testament in regard to these criminals but as you point out, ours is not to judge.
I grew up in some bad neighborhoods and the law of the street was a way of life for me until a wonderful woman changed that part of me. I am a better person now.
Thank you Bert for raising a very serious dilemma. I believe that a woman (female) is in control of her own, God-given body, and that she should be allowed to make her own moral decision regarding the future of her baby.
On the other hand our Creator requires us to not commit murder. Does a substantial health danger justify having an abortion? While this is a dilemma involving very deep human feelings and concerns, the perfect counsel of God shows that a potential risk to mother or child does not justify inducing an abortion.
On January 22, 1973, the United States Supreme Court ruled in favour of liberalised abortion laws. Also, the General Council of the United Church of Canada affirmed “that abortion is morally justifiable in certain medical, social and economic circumstances, and should be a private matter between a woman and her doctor.”
What does the Bible say about abortion? The Bible does not use the word “abortion” in the sense of an induced expulsion of a human fetus. Lobbed into society like a boulder into a pond, this kind of medical technology, in conjunction with selective abortion, is causing some big waves in the waters of medical ethics. Selective abortion, abetted by technology, is racing ahead of law reform in some lands. mRNA genetic therapies are also confusing my moral foundations. I must say that I believe in my heart that 'The Science' is the Devil's work.
I must confess, Bert, that I see both sides of this dilemma and have not yet decided my opinion. I guess I can only fall back on that massive diktat from our Creator - "thou shalt not kill". I rest my case.
I had to think about my response to this. I like your thinking here and understand that the subject is and can be complicated for many. I was 17 and my girlfriend got pregnant. We were both living at home. My Grandparents told me that in Iowa you did not have to be married to accept responsibility for a child, and I should think things over.
Her parents said that if we did not get married, she was going to Chicago to get an abortion. She and I discussed the matter and decided the best thing was to get married. I went into the Army and we did as good as we could at that age to be good parents.
I now have two Grandchildren and for Great Grandchildren from making that decision. I have no regrets.
Thank you Bert for sharing - it is indeed a conundrum. I don't think there is a definitive answer - we all have to manage our journey in this earth-walk and nobody knows except our Creator where the end will be. I pray and ask for knowledge of His will for me today - it's all I can do - but accept His WILL not mine.
And when I do this - if it is in my mission for Him - everything unfolds easily. But if it is my will, then roadblocks appear at all stages, as if He is saying get back into the car, you crashed it before, now let me drive!
Zephaniah 1: 14 - 18
The great day of the Lord is near,
near and hastening fast;
the sound of the day of the Lord is bitter;
the mighty man cries aloud there.
A day of wrath is that day,
a day of distress and anguish,
a day of ruin and devastation,
a day of darkness and gloom,
a day of clouds and thick darkness,
a day of trumpet blast and battle cry
against the fortified cities
and against the lofty battlements.
I will bring distress on mankind,
so that they shall walk like the blind,
because they have sinned against the Lord;
their blood shall be poured out like dust,
and their flesh like dung.
Neither their silver nor their gold
shall be able to deliver them
on the day of the wrath of the Lord.
In the fire of his jealousy,
all the earth shall be consumed;
for a full and sudden end
he will make of all the inhabitants of the earth.
That may be what the end result of all of this will be.
Thanks for sharing this!
The story touched my heart ❤️ in a very strong way.
Abortion has been marketed to mankind through the Luciferian Doctrine. It is entirely meant to break up the family and to nullify Life and the Divine Order while harvesting our sacred life-force.
Their agenda is evil to the core.
Well said and undisputedly true.
Just reading this article which seems to correlate to furthering these types of criminal behavior.
"Biden HHS proposal would shield sex crimes, coerced abortions, child sterilization: critics"
"The proposed rulemaking, if approved, would change HIPAA's definitions of "person" to exclude human beings before birth, "reproductive health care" to "broadly" apply to the reproductive system, and "public health" to exclude use and disclosure of PHI for investigations or proceedings related to reproductive healthcare."
This not so well hidden depopulation agenda has been tried before by other despots and dictators. It has never ended well for them, but their ego's tell them they need fewer people and more control. " It' s hard to be king when everybody else has been pawned" Black Rebel Motorcycle Gang
This is truly a horrific story especially when you add this part in, and the fact that there has been no follow up from the GOP lawmakers to hold accountability as we know there will be none from any democrats what so ever.
" five additional children found in the same box who appeared to be of late-term gestation. According to PAAU, their apparent gestational age and injuries were consistent with the commission of federal crimes"
The Uniparty in DC will do nothing except keep the status Quo. There are some good honest people in DC but not enough to make a difference.
This disregard for human life sickens me. They will all pay a steep price for their crimes one day.
So true and this is but one mechanism of the depopulation agenda being used against us, and the bigger question is how many know about it and willing participants in it.
Hopefully it will be in this world and life they will pay first, and then in the next for eternity.
That part is really weird, perhaps a death wish? I hesitate to wish that on anybody but they will be deserving of what ever they get.
Ok, as far as in this world I strictly mean lawfully punishment, and as for Eternity I nor any of us have any part in that decision, and those committing atrocities against humanity, especially the unborn have that to answer for according to the word. However also according to the word they have time to repent and seek forgiveness for their transgressions.
Listening to a docuseries "Disease in Reverse" Ep 1 and they're discussing Dr. Buttar, and Sayer Ji making comments to that affect I agree with completely
He chose not to use the rhetorical intensity of Dr. Buttar because "some of those we may consider enemies who are literally harming us or trying to reduce our population, .... as a species, ... may come around to realize that it is not a good idea and a losing proposition, and the light in times of darkness will win out", paraphrased to shorten. Time will tell it any will come forth by those not embedded in the atheistic/satanistic beliefs of most behind this agenda.
I am with you on all of this. Sometimes I get emotional and consider going Old Testament in regard to these criminals but as you point out, ours is not to judge.
I grew up in some bad neighborhoods and the law of the street was a way of life for me until a wonderful woman changed that part of me. I am a better person now.
Thank you Bert for raising a very serious dilemma. I believe that a woman (female) is in control of her own, God-given body, and that she should be allowed to make her own moral decision regarding the future of her baby.
On the other hand our Creator requires us to not commit murder. Does a substantial health danger justify having an abortion? While this is a dilemma involving very deep human feelings and concerns, the perfect counsel of God shows that a potential risk to mother or child does not justify inducing an abortion.
On January 22, 1973, the United States Supreme Court ruled in favour of liberalised abortion laws. Also, the General Council of the United Church of Canada affirmed “that abortion is morally justifiable in certain medical, social and economic circumstances, and should be a private matter between a woman and her doctor.”
What does the Bible say about abortion? The Bible does not use the word “abortion” in the sense of an induced expulsion of a human fetus. Lobbed into society like a boulder into a pond, this kind of medical technology, in conjunction with selective abortion, is causing some big waves in the waters of medical ethics. Selective abortion, abetted by technology, is racing ahead of law reform in some lands. mRNA genetic therapies are also confusing my moral foundations. I must say that I believe in my heart that 'The Science' is the Devil's work.
I must confess, Bert, that I see both sides of this dilemma and have not yet decided my opinion. I guess I can only fall back on that massive diktat from our Creator - "thou shalt not kill". I rest my case.
I had to think about my response to this. I like your thinking here and understand that the subject is and can be complicated for many. I was 17 and my girlfriend got pregnant. We were both living at home. My Grandparents told me that in Iowa you did not have to be married to accept responsibility for a child, and I should think things over.
Her parents said that if we did not get married, she was going to Chicago to get an abortion. She and I discussed the matter and decided the best thing was to get married. I went into the Army and we did as good as we could at that age to be good parents.
I now have two Grandchildren and for Great Grandchildren from making that decision. I have no regrets.
Thank you Bert for sharing - it is indeed a conundrum. I don't think there is a definitive answer - we all have to manage our journey in this earth-walk and nobody knows except our Creator where the end will be. I pray and ask for knowledge of His will for me today - it's all I can do - but accept His WILL not mine.
And when I do this - if it is in my mission for Him - everything unfolds easily. But if it is my will, then roadblocks appear at all stages, as if He is saying get back into the car, you crashed it before, now let me drive!
My day is organised around this series of guidelines:
AND Do You Know What You Want from Life? | Eckhart Tolle
Some great advice and information here. Thank you for sharing.
You are a star reader my dear Bert, but what are your thoughts on my beans? I am worried - they have stopped growing?
Resist we must and all in our own ways. No worse hell than giving up and becoming an unaware normie.