Everything these wayward wizards and their hand-selected members of the illegitimate criminals' club is about stealing from us so they can turn around and harm us even more.

Sadly, there are some people who are fully mind-controlled by their black-screen boxes that they do, indeed, think that wars are necessary, that big Pharma and the government care about them, and that taxes are absolutely necessary. Of course, they think that way to protect their cushy lives. Some people cannot handle cognitive dissonance. They have zero courage.

One of the things that tested my psycho-spiritual mettle was leaving home and moving to another state. I had to rely on myself and the one or two trusted friends I had. I made some terrible decisions and some very good decisions. I lived on people's sofas while I tried to get my life together. It required a lot of faith and inner work because I couldn't expect that my parents or other family members would bail me out. In fact, my mother emotionally abandoned me before any of this even occurred, around the age of 11, for the reason that I had no interest in following the path she wanted for me. So, being essentially motherless, I had to mother myself. It was best this way, since my mother had psychologically hardened and was an adult living with the mind of a 15-year-old.

My formative years with her were excellent. However, because she refused to fully mature and individuate, she was like the folks you talk about, totally at the mercy of the hierarchy above her.

Thanks for staying on top of these worldly issues, Bert. I simply can't afford the time to research everything, haha!

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thanks for sharing your experiences like that you have had an interesting life and some challenges that I think a lesser person may not have endured. Yes there is less than last time as gardening season approaches to keep up with everything. But I have some good friends who help me out with that. Good friends are a blessing in more ways than we can ever imagine. Thank you for commenting.

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There is always a hidden reason. Thanks for posting this!

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Thank you for reading and commenting.

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I highly recommend you check out this series by Corey Lynn.


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I did check it out and shared it around. Gives a nice history of all of this fuckery. It has been in the works for longer than most people realize.

This is why they seek so much control over all of us. They fear that one day the sleeping masses may be awakened. If that ever happens, there would be hell to pay.

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I am solidly convinced that the masses will never wake up. I think they know it's human nature. I also believe they know that generations of brainwashing have sealed the deal. I don't think they're scared of anything at this point. It's full steam ahead with the #GreatReset

That's why i write this substack.

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I still have a tiny optimist in side of me that thinks we can undo this one person at a time. With all of us getting that done by putting the truth out there, we win and the truth prevails. I will keep trying until my last breath. We are on the same page and I appreciate your work.

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Brandon's inauguration obliterated the sliver of hope to which i was clinging. It was not a joyful epiphany, but it makes so much more sense when i look at things from this new perspective. Godspeed and God bless us all.

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I get that, it was like a punch in the gut. Sometimes being right can be painful. So agree with your bottom line.

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The "punch in the gut" feeling is because i was wrong! I thought we could return to normal. Now i fully understand we were never normal, the tyranny was very well hidden. The veil has been lifted.

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