Of course we will get more of the same. Our two party system is just a uni-party and elections are just a dog and pony show. Oh, we will have a third party candidate from time to time, but they will never get elected and they are just a distraction for the people. Driving this country into debt has been the plan for years and basically started with the 'Banksters" Federal Reserve. Before the Fed was created, this country had basically zero inflation, now the dollar is worth about 3 cents.

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Well said, and thank you.

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No problem. If people would just study a little history and delve a little deeper into other sources other than just the MSM, they would see so much more on how this world is really run.

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It’s not rocket science or quantum physics, just a little study and reading to make it all blatantly obvious. The facts are all there.

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They want America to be destroyed because they have a demonically inspirited hatred of it as well as Christianity...

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I agree, this is spiritual.

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Great perception, Bert. I think there is a well-planned agenda to subvert true freedom, and the United States is the last bastion for the psychopathic tyrants to pull under, then they can *ostensibly* rule the world. But they don't know that the people of the US have a unique kind of inner strength because we are a newer nation and we still have a fighting spirit when called upon!💜🗡💝

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So well said.

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Mar 3Liked by Bert Powers

Both parties are drunken sailors and neither has a clue how to quit. It's going to hurt but the pain will be a lot less if we do it ourselves rather than waiting for the house of cards to collapse. Start by defunding 1/2 of the DC swamp and then keep on going.

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I would like nothing more than to see that happen.

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Mar 3Liked by Bert Powers

Excellent piece here. Sad, tragic and infuriating.

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Very much so, always good to hear from you.

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this is so tragic.

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It is, a slow motion spiral to default and insolvency.

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I dont think it stops. I think we are in the “get it before the empire collapses” phase with our ruling class. Not sure what comes next, but I don’t see this ending well other than some sort of collapse.

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I agree with you. Reminds me a bit of history when conquered lands had their treasuries plundered and pillaged by the invaders. The invaders are our own corrupt politicians.

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Our only hope is to clean house. A very daunting task.

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They are like roaches and fleas, hard to get rid of.

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How though?

The [s]elected officials will never vote out their sweet pot of honey.

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We could try shaming them into doing it…….and then I woke up. I really do not know how or even if all of this is reversable. But I do think it is part of the plan to implement the global digital currency. The globalist bankers forgive all the national debt when the global digital currency is forced on us. That is just my guess.

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As far as i can tell, that's exactly how it will shake out. Right on the heels of that CBDC will be social credit scoring. As horrific as that will be, just imagine having to register with your local internet provider for access. Once that digital system kicks in, online dissent will have repercussions - anything from yanking said access to asset seizure to imprisonment.

The end is nigh!

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They(WEF) have already said that the China model of governance is their goal. The Communists are good at controlling and eliminating people. History has taught us that....at least some of us.

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The CCP has been the working and operating NWO model for nearly a century. It was built for exactly this purpose, including the economic warfare it's been waging for the duration. "Chyna" is an enemy force, but they obey our luciferian overlords, same as our "government."

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Agree with everything you said.They all obey the Globalist cabal of bankers, no matter how much they think they are in control.

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I think they know the deal. That's why our pols and corporacrats are scrambling to amass as much wealth as possible in the meantime. They abuse the power they've been delegated and authority they've usurped to rob the middle-class at breakneck speed for their own benefit and the furtherance of a luciferian agenda.

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I agree, time to prepare for the worst and pray for the best. Control what you can.

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You know how i feel about it.

"Get out of the cities. Now. There's still time. Network. Pray."

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All of the above. Show kindness and compassion toward your friends, family, and neighbors and stay united. Do as much local as you can.

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Local is the only rational way. There is no guarantee of its success either. That path is fraught with peril, hardship and sacrifice. I don't see any reasonable alternative to the coming enslavement of humanity however.

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