Why are white people in positions of power in our government teaching us to be afraid of white people? Who is white anymore with DNA showing we are all very mixed race? Is it the skin color we should be wary of, or the person? Yet they preach and demand tolerance.
Why are we leaving over 70 billion dollars of weapons and pallets of $100 bills to the Taliban? These same politicians responsible for this want to restrict Americans’ gun rights. Why are we leaving Americans behind in Afghanistan and flying back Afghan refugees? Why are politicians talking about sending aid to Afghanistan, after all of this?
Why are we being told to vilify people who choose not to get the vaccine when people who are vaccinated are still getting COVID? Why are we wearing masks when they don’t protect us from the COVID?
My last question of the day is why are we letting politicians divide us into small little feuding tribes fighting among each other when we are all Americans? Divide and conquer. So many questions and too few answers.
Good post, Bert! Here is my answer to all the questions:
Psychopaths want to control others and they work very hard all the time to set up a magical illusion that they ARE in control, while most regular folks can't be bothered with the hard work of recognizing their enslavement to the CON-TROLL-ers and then freeing themselves. I wish it wasn't that way, but I'm really done wishing other people would get their proverbial sh*t together and instead I work on my own creative projects — making music and art, cooking, traveling, writing, etc. — which basically constitute LIVING LIFE instead of merely existing in someone else's effed-up, inverted, perverted Prison Planet!
Looking forward to your future posts!