Good post, Bert! Here is my answer to all the questions:

Psychopaths want to control others and they work very hard all the time to set up a magical illusion that they ARE in control, while most regular folks can't be bothered with the hard work of recognizing their enslavement to the CON-TROLL-ers and then freeing themselves. I wish it wasn't that way, but I'm really done wishing other people would get their proverbial sh*t together and instead I work on my own creative projects — making music and art, cooking, traveling, writing, etc. — which basically constitute LIVING LIFE instead of merely existing in someone else's effed-up, inverted, perverted Prison Planet!

Looking forward to your future posts!

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Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I like all of your answers, and especially the solution.

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Our OWN solutions are where it's at, man! Let's just stay free to be whoever we really are, divine sparks of the One True Creator. And seriously, if that's a LIE too, it's way better to LIVE IN LOVE than exist as a mere slave. FUCK THAT, brother! (Sorry for my coarse language.)

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My old boss said that he was a believer in the Devine because he had nothing to lose by believing, and everything to gain. He called it hedging his bet.

My motives are different but that does not make his wrong.

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