They are good Bert, but our compatriots are often self-funded so I don't deny them asking for support. The people with money generally are not interested in the truth, that's how they got it in the first place. And more often than not they are controlled opposition, like Malone (I hear). "By their works you will know them"

(19) "Now this is the basis for judgment: that the light has come into the world, but men have loved the darkness rather than the light, for their works were wicked. (20) For whoever practices vile things hates the light and does not come to the light, so that his works may not be reproved. (21) But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that his works may be made manifest as having been done in harmony with God.” (John 3; 19, 21)

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I hear you and understand. Just not my cup of tea, asking for money from others. I have planned and chosen a path of not having to do that. Plus I really do not feel that my efforts are worthy of financial support and free always sounds good to me.🙂

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Me too Bert - my Letter will always be free. People deserve to know the truth as best as I can determine because those that need it most are often unable to pay. I see most sites do offer a limited free service.

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We are on the same page. Common ground is nice to find.

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I read it as a good roundup of news.

My sister is off to visit US National Parks.

Had to have had a booster to get a visa.

I was wondering why all the tech layoffs.

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I love the National Parks for hiking and photography.

They will keep pushing the vax and the boosters, no doubt.

The tech layoffs are a mystery to me unless inflation is finally hurting them too. It has a slow creeping destruction of the economy.

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