Climate change is a scam from the pit of hell...

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I agree with that in total.

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Fossil fuel cocksleeve is a terrible optic. I can’t believe I had to inform you that.

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After much deliberation, consideration, waffling in opinion, but then recognizing the reality of it - I've come to conclude that the whole "Climate Change" narrative is bullshit full of malice.

To elaborate, I consider the "narrative" like so many others - something "fabricated" by elitist stupid, witless, and full of malice for humanity.

To make matters worse, these elitist dimwits know nothing besides - "doubling down" - cause I reckon they must consider themselves the ones who are "running the show"....well excuse me, but this is what I say to them:


Fuck off - we are fedup and there are so many more of US than U.

Eff off and quit doubling-down - otherwise - you seal your fate.

We will hunt you down!

With precision and

fearsome determination....so fearsome and ruthless if need be....matey!

One at a time!

We will HUNT you down.

So disavow now while you still can.


Please consider the above a "poem"

BK, Poem of the Day, 12523 1221 time is NOW - of the essence time is...now

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Justice will come to them, in one form or another either in this world or the next. Justice is one thing you cannot hide from because God delivers it. Sometimes thru others and other times by him. Either way it finds the evil doers.

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I think the time for justice is NOW Bert.

I recognize - "tis in the hands of others" - but I also feel

time is of the essence and sometimes justice late means more babies die.


and worst case scenario with all the complicity and apathy is if justice doesn't get delivered in the here and now - then we all die as a failed species I reckon.

Lady Libra is pissed off bad - I feel her in my bones.

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BTW Ken thank you for the pledge. This is my civic duty to share with others. I am humbled by your offer but will remain free.

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No doubt on that and the pledge was made in good faith Bert.

Nothing expected in return when the pledge was made, but it was made with intent - it was made because you have supported me in so many ways and I just want to reciprocate.

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I appreciate your effort and intent.

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I am hoping there is another way out of this that is peaceful and have not given up on that notion just yet.

Sometimes the Punisher gets it right. “I am not here for revenge or justice, I am here for punishment.” Great movie, if this does not turn around soon, what he says may become true.

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I know there is a peaceful way out of this conundrum, but without accountability forgiveness collective cannot be given and without justice the human species is destined to failure.

So maybe this is why the baby Jesus came to save us?

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Agreed, a distinct probability. At least it is what I believe.

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That’s satire, right? I mean nobody has achieved that level of stupidity in real life, right?

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I'm with you on this issue, Bert. The powers-that-ought-not-be are really hard-forcing their flimsy fakery on us. I bet that even some folks who *they* consider simple/unintelligent can see right through this BS. We sure know that real farmers (not the corporate mono-croppers) understand the need for both adequate fuel supplies AND true care for the Earth.

Personally, I find Big Ag to be disgustingly wasteful with their nearly 200 million US acres of horrific GMO corn/soybeans/vegetables, which I believe do not get regularly purchased by their corporate customers in the quantities desired, and if the customers *do* purchase as much as the growers wish, I'd bet a trillion dollars that a huge percentage gets thrown right into the landfills at every point along the supply chain.

Plus, cows don't naturally eat corn or soybeans (let alone GMOs🤮), so how can the cattle-and-dairy industry continue to justify what is likely a hidden massive amount of losses due to animal disease and early death? It all sounds to me like more lies and deception.

Speaking of animals, I am ALL FOR those who wish to farm returning to small family farms on which the large animals pull the ploughs, discs, rakes, combines, and wagons! A farm of 180 acres — like my family farm back in 1968-1989 — was not only self-sustaining with 125 head of beef cattle, we often traded the processed Polled Hereford meat, plus crops like hay, alfalfa, oats, and wheat (which cows DO EAT), with our neighbors and local friends for products that we ourselves did not raise or produce.

I also believe that large cities are false-white-light constructs that have mesmerized people into moving people OFF their farms into these "glamourous" places filled with big ugly boxes that kind of look like prisons with shiny baubles. Don't get me wrong: I love hand-crafted, high-quality clothing, shoes, accessories, and items for the home/work that are beautiful as well as functional. My problem is with economies of SCALE, and that is precisely what large cities are (or are an extension of).

So if everyday folks refuse to alter their big-box-store, big-and-cheap lifestyles, the psychopathic tyrants will continue pushing forward with their lies such as "climate change" and "trans-humanism," and these people's lives will be altered in ways they cannot even imagine in a generation's time . . . or less.

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I agree, we see it everyday around here. Or mail carrier says her Daughter will not even eat store bought tomatoes because of the taste. I give her tomatoes every year and her Daughter loves them. We see and hear the corporate GMO farmers around here all the time, it is a chore to get water that does not have their chemical laced runoff water for our gardens.

We have to think outside their box to beat them and keep ourselves healthy. I wish more people thought like you do regarding all of this.

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I totally understand the frustrations of being a home gardener amidst the toxic practices of Big Ag.

As a child, I was very much like your postal carrier's daughter. I would not eat certain commercially grown foods. At the age of 11, I was reading ingredients/nutrition labels on packaging. My mother hated that! I ended up making my own meals. Don't get me wrong, I made plenty of bad decisions in my life. But I recognized them as mistakes and 1) made amends if possible and 2) stopped those actions/thoughts.

Most people are totally mesmerized by the glamours and do not take the time to be quietly alone with their thoughts. If they did that, they would make lifestyle changes. Instead, whenever they have an uncomfortable thought, they turn to the black-screen-boxes for re-programming! This is why I don't think that there will be "mass awakening" before the next big fake "crisis." If the CovAin't didn't reset their BS meters, I don't know what possibly would.

Wishing you (and your water supply) all the best, Bert!

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Thanks Sharine. I have made plenty of mistakes in my youth, and too many bad decisions to list. Hard to imagine I am still alive after some of the idiotic moves made as a youth. That which does not kill us makes us stronger, I guess.

As you know, eating right is a religion in our house, much like yours. Garbage, garbage out. We had a major medical scare years back and started eating right and have not looked back since. No more empty calories and bad choices, except on rare occasions.

Peace be with you and Ron. 😊

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Peace be with you and your family, as well, Bert!😊

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You’re correct stance on one issue has no bearing on the morally bankrupt intentionally uninformed standing on the the most pertinent mankind has ever faced. Denial of an eminent climate crisis disaster is simply the lamest possible morally bankrupt or implicitly stupid uninformed opinion on could possibly possessive this current juncture. I suppose they’re not mutually exclusive........

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Didn't know you had a Substack. Will be following!!

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Thank you.

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I saw a Congressperson ask climate experts who were testifying, "What percent of the atmosphere is carbon?"

The answer is that only .04% of the atmosphere is carbon. None of the experts knew the answer, or even came close to guessing it. And, of course,

• Carbon dioxide is not toxic.

• Plants require carbon dioxide in the air to live.

• You are made of carbon.

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All provable facts. Their ignorance shows their level of corruption.

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Let's put aside the "Climate Change" hot rod of political deception and rephrase the Question.

Can we do better? The answer is Yes.

Do we need Tesla's or EV's for that matter? No!

Do we need Gigantic Power plants and Transmission lines? No!

So what do we need? ==> WATER

WATER is all we need.

Hydrogen and Oxygen burn to water and can be separated by electric current.

All we ever need.

We can run the cars on Hydrogen without changing much.

We defeat the Camelfuckers and their Oil... bye bye.

We defeat the Military Industrial Fuckers because we don't need their oil or war for oil.

We have clean air clean water and less pollution less diseases.

Prof Dan Nocera has already the Technology.

I have the Technology.

Toyota has the Technology.

JCB has the Technology.

Water is the Solution to all Problems.

There can be no argument about that.


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Agreed. Water and some outside the box thinking.

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Isn't it (not) funny that these are exactly what is discouraged by the MSM Government and most definitely the "Green New Deal" Agenda and COP Scum?

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They like you thinking and existing inside of their box.

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i believe the real culprit is the bought and sold corporate media. without them there is no global warming. they are the ones shouting from the roof tops that global warming disasters are coming, and if you get enough people to believe it, then they can make it a reality even though it's not. it's like an economic depression, they happen because enough people believe that we are in one. so everyone stops spending which in turn actually creates a depression.

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Fully agreed, and have always thought of these contrived truths as self fulfilling prophecy, on their part.

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As if that’s going to happen without legal removal of current behavior? Man, fossil fuel fellation tool is the fucking very bottom of the morally bankrupt barrel. Jesus Braun

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