I’m aware. But have seen in several sources that Catholic charities are heavily involved in this obscenity.

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I have seen and read that troubling news too. I am not a fan of this Pope, at all. This is happening on his watch.

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If we were going to wake up it would have happened during COVID. I think this has to play out now…unfortunately, and small segments of the country will have to quietly go about their business.

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So much of what is happening is out of our control, we do what we can and get the truth out every chance we get, just like John the Baptist.

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"..small segments of the country will have to quietly go about their business."

As long as the regime allows us to.

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Excellent point.

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Good catch, Bert

Here's another link which I am linking today @:https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

BREAKING: ICE Report Reveals "Biden-Harris" Admin Released Into USA 425,431 CONVICTED CRIMINAL Illegal Invaders - 2nd Smartest Guy in the World


Let that sink in sheeple 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑. Not just any illegals but "CONVICTED CRIMINAL ILLEGALS." And people still think Biden and Harris care about this country. Wake up for God's sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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You would think that people would get it, perhaps they will someday when it affects them directly, by then it is too late.

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Thanks for the link, Bert. The numbers are alarming, and warrant a bit more scrutiny. As with the CDC during "Covid," I wonder if ICE is doing some creative accounting. I mean, how do we know these numbers are accurate? We have to believe in these agencies. Well, you know I'm such a skeptic, haha.

As far as the executive order goes, I'm pretty sure that applies only to federal employees and certain contractors, and can be rescinded by the next president with the swipe of a pen. Not that I'm unconcerned: I am aware that the psychopathic tyrants are definitely trying to take away individually owned pew-pews.

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You are welcome. I figure they grossly exaggerate the numbers up and down to fit their own narrative. They can insert one word and insist it was not a lie. I share in your skepticism.

The part that spooks me is releasing the criminals on us and wanting our guns in the same breath. I have thought for sometime now that the cabal running our country for sometime now, is at the same time sabotaging it. Perhaps I am too much of a cynic but as I age more things become clear.

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Healthy cynicism is a requirement!

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Thank you, I agree with that.

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Abraham Lincoln:

"At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."

Ronald Reagan's timeless words,

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction,

Yet, who's to say that the scourge we are now seeing is not the irrevocable judgment of God upon a morally fallen nation? Whenever Israel turned it's back on God, He gave them wicked kings. Can anyone here say that Biden and Harris--along with Walz are not the epitome of wickedness? And, before them we had HomObama.

And America is NOT Israel. :-/


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The enemy within is always the most dangerous. The Trojan Horse.

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And it's another sad day in fallen Babylon America. Jesus said "Blessed are they that mourn, for they will be comforted." I mourn for the America that was--or was she all along just a mirage?

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