I have listened to Trump make these claims of expanding America by force if necessary. It has puzzled me until this morning, after realizing he might just be using the tactics of our enemies.
Russia invades Ukraine and threatens Europe. China constantly terrorizes Taiwan and imprisons the Uighers. The list goes on and on. Trump is just giving them a dose of their own medicine coupled with a message that two can play this game. It is a good way of subtlety calling them out.
He lets it hang out there for a few days for them to chew on it and then walks it back to diplomacy. They are foolish to underestimate him, it is time for the era of diplomacy, fair trade, treaties, and statesmanship. No more wars because everybody loses in a war.
Let me know what you think of my theory in the comments.
Most people would agree that Trump is a good negotiator. His initial, seemingly outrageous, plans seem crazy until you see how Mexico, Canada, Columbia, etc., are falling into line. America has finally got a strong leader that would rather project yang than yin.
And while we're talking, I'd like to suggest that everyone reading give a few bucks to SaveTibet.org.
They are trying to get China to allow the Dalai Lama to return home one last time before he dies. I just watched a documentary TIBET: BEYOND FEAR. If there is anything more horrible than radical Islam it is institutional communism as practiced by the CCP. The fate of the world depends on Trump's ability to hold back China.
I think it's a good theory, and one that a lot of people accept as truth, probably because they see him as a master negotiator. I don't; I see him as another high-level actor on THEIR big stage. In other words, I think he may be playing a part just as the other "leaders" are playing roles. They may not even be aware that they are actors. I mean, MK-ULTRA is an extremely powerful method of control. But what do I know? It remains to be seen how his posturing either helps or hurts everyday people in both the short-term and long-term.