Most people would agree that Trump is a good negotiator. His initial, seemingly outrageous, plans seem crazy until you see how Mexico, Canada, Columbia, etc., are falling into line. America has finally got a strong leader that would rather project yang than yin.

And while we're talking, I'd like to suggest that everyone reading give a few bucks to SaveTibet.org.

They are trying to get China to allow the Dalai Lama to return home one last time before he dies. I just watched a documentary TIBET: BEYOND FEAR. If there is anything more horrible than radical Islam it is institutional communism as practiced by the CCP. The fate of the world depends on Trump's ability to hold back China.

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I think it's a good theory, and one that a lot of people accept as truth, probably because they see him as a master negotiator. I don't; I see him as another high-level actor on THEIR big stage. In other words, I think he may be playing a part just as the other "leaders" are playing roles. They may not even be aware that they are actors. I mean, MK-ULTRA is an extremely powerful method of control. But what do I know? It remains to be seen how his posturing either helps or hurts everyday people in both the short-term and long-term.

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Not a bad theory. I'm not totally against Trump as he is a far sight better than what we had the past 4 years. However, I will links articles that show his bad side as well as his good as I think people need to see both in order to make informed decisions, so I won't be cutting him any slack in the future as well on my website @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/ or in my Images for the Day on my site as well as my Substack: https://watchman2016.substack.com/. Which I'm sure you have probably noticed.

He campaigned on making America great again, it's been too short of time and he has made too many executive decisions too fast that we don't know how they will play out in supposedly making America great again, if indeed that is his true priority. Getting in bed with the technocrats, still saying "Warp Speed" was great, and Making Israel Great Again was not what I voted for. . Time will tell if he's all bluster or as Yogi Said to Boo Boo, I'm smarter than the average bear!

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I have my own list of his shortcomings and it is long. For now the macro lens is out of the bag and in about a year after I see his first proposed budget the micro lens come out, following the money. I always respect your opinions even when we disagree.

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I appreciate that, you are one of my longest following subscribers, just over 6 years and I value your opinions as well. Actually are opinions are not that much different, but I can get a little caustic at times and perhaps a little conspiratorial as well. All stems back to when I first started reading about the freemasons about 25 years ago. Ever wonder why there is A Masonic Lodge in virtually every town in America. I live in a small town of 2600 people and we have one. There's a rabbit hole you can go down!!!

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I think that was one of the secret societies JFK spoke about that got him killed. I have not taken a deep dive in that one, but have my suspicions. When Bush and Kerry were in the same Skull and Bones Class, that tweaked my interest. Brings to mind that scene in Animal house where Needermire and his buddies were spanking each other in their whitie tighties.

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Can’t argue with your spot on theory. Just can’t get past yesterdays performance with DT & the Genocider and plans to take over that sacrificial land to build condos. . I’ve no words.

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On the surface it looks bad, but I think he is playing games with words again. My guess is that he is maneuvering to rebuild Gaza and remove Hamas. With Hamas/ Iran in a governance role the Palestinians will continue to be caught in the crossfire and used as political pawns by Israel and Iran. It would be nice to give them the ability to govern themselves free of both oppressors. Just my opinion and pipe dream.

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Hmm. He stated that the Palestinians who survived this Holocaust must be removed. ( forcibly no doubt) . it reminds me of all the other democracy- induced ‘successes:’ The Trail of Tears, VietNam, Iraq,etc. I’m sure our Founders would not be proud.

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I still have hope for something better for that part of the world but it has been this way for thousands of years. We will be watching.

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It might be argued that when USA gets involved matters are never resolved: Many people seem to perish . I love my country and the values it was founded upon. But cannot determine where the nobility and honor manifests.

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Great history lesson here and as we know it has a tendancy to repeat itself.

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Vietnam was a complicated issue. Still is, apparently, because some people still believe the lies spread about it.

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Who is the Genocider and where are those condos?

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Good questions.

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We know the condoms got there.😉

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What is your opinion on Hamas?

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Same as my opinion on the anti war hippies who accused the troops in Vietnam of being baby killers. And lied about DDT, saying it weakened egg shells. And lied about Trump. And openly supports Hamas today.

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I worked for an apple farmer in Michigan and he was furious when DDT was outlawed. Turns out, DDT did weaken eagle shells and since its prohibition, the eagle population is coming back.

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They would have recovered, even if that’s true. We weren’t going to use it forever. Just long enough to kill the mosquitoes that cause malaria. Which we did, but then we told 3rd world countries not to. Because their lives apparently don’t matter.

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I this case, they did get something right.

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Thanks to social media, everyone can instantaneously communicate. But that means people can argue and accusations with any repercussions. So everyone still disagrees, but now we know who some people really are, and everyone hates everyone. No one has changed their mind, though 😂

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Your theory, Bert is bang on. Nobody wins in a war, but they keep doing it? My Part 2 on Saturday will explain. Check out here FOC: https://www.theburningplatform.com/author/austrian-peter/

BTW - I heard from Teri and replied giving my guidance.

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I was a COVID skeptic from the get go. Very hard for me because my Wife is in medicine and has forgotten more about medicine than I can ever know. The whole rollout of that Vaccine and the gusto they put behind everybody getting it, made me wary.

I worked for the government in my youth and had my eyes wide open after learning what they were capable of.

I think reigning in their funding will help keep us out of those wars. They will have to go back to the old ways of black market profits and dealings to earn their dirty money rather than just taking it from the treasury directly. That takes more work on their part and will slow them down somewhat.

These are just my opinions and thoughts regarding all of this. I do not claim to be an expert at anything.

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Likewise Bert, I am a polymath, basically self-educated through my 80 years of life experiences on land, sea, and air. Like you, I worked for the HMG War Office in the 60s, and learned much, like you.

I then took an apprenticeship and qualified as a company secretary in 1967, and worked in the City during the 70s, until I was headhunter by Xerox in 1977. Long story, but I have worked as a corporate system consultant ever since.

I retired in 1995 (aged 51), to go sailing and adventuring, and finally ended up in Simons Town SA in 1999 - I stayed here in paradise ever since!: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/easy-living-in-south-africa-icj-ruling?sd=pf

When I was seven years old, I discovered my Great Creator, and dwelled in His House. The angels have looked after me all my life thereafter [Psalm 91]. It's powerful stuff - far beyond my understanding.



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An interesting life no doubt. "What a long strange trip it's been" I think that self education with some good mentors is the best way to go. I have had too many to give them all proper credit. In my heart I do almost daily.

You have led a charmed life in many ways. It has made you strong and wise. One day I will share my trajectory to this place. Not today.

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Looking forward to it Bert...


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Thank you so much for that. I owe you a debt of gratitude for helping her.

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No debt Bert, it's what we do for our fellow man (& woman). At sea, we always help others, asking nothing in return - it is the way of the sea where we are all exposed to the elements and thus have no control. Living on land is different and generally competitve - at sea it is 'cooperative', which is what Putin & Xi project.

"Mr. Putin Outlined Six Civilisational Principles for the Post-NWO World during his Valdai speech, outlining six principles Russia will follow and offers other nations to join in:

o “First, we want to live in an open, interconnected world, in which no one will ever try to erect artificial barriers to people’s communication, their creative realization, and prosperity. There must be a barrier-free environment,”

o The second principle is the diversity of the world, which should not only be preserved, but should also be the foundation of universal development.

o The third principle is maximum representativeness: “No one has the right or can rule the world for others or on behalf of others. The world of the future is a world of collective decisions,”

o Fourth is universal security and lasting peace that takes into account the interests of great states and small countries equally. To achieve this, it is important to free international relations from the bloc mentality and the dark legacy of the colonial era and Cold War.

o The fifth principle is justice for all: “The era of exploitation of anyone – I have already said this twice – is a thing of the past. Countries and peoples are clearly aware of their interests and capabilities and are ready to rely on themselves, and this multiplies their strength. Everyone must be provided with access to the benefits of all modern development.

Worth a thought, eh?



o The sixth principle is equality: no one should be forced to obey those who are richer or more powerful at the cost of their own development and national interests.

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That is a lofty goal and to be commended. I am thinking more in the spiritual realm these days and looking forward to what comes next with no fear or apprehension. We have had a few life changing events that had unexplainable outcomes over the last few years.

As a political junkie for many decades it has given me a special understanding in tying it all together with the spiritual world.

So enlightening to meet others like yourself, Terri, and too many others to list, on this journey.

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Jesu said - "What has been born from the flesh is flesh, and what has been born from the spirit is spirit. Do not be amazed because I told you: You people must be born again. The wind blows where it wants to, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone who has been born from the spirit.” [John 3:6,8]

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Great scripture.

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We can only hope that the Don is showing that there’s a new game now, and the previous dementia patient is no longer POTUS.

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It’s a new day and a new way.

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