Why would I give a fuck if Russia is the middle east? In fact I don't, I am true to the original founding vision of America, of no foreign entanglements,

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I was merely trying to make the point that none of us belong outside of their own borders, unless we are on vacation.

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I agree - non-interventionist as Ron Paul and his son Rand as well as Daniel McAdams put forth - I agree with them and Iran is just the country of Persia as it exists now - I got no quibbles or squabbles with the folks from Iran and I wonder - whey the fuck is my country of residence in occupance of so much in the Middle East when the price of eggs is just going up?

So - I respect the quality tile-work in the places of worship in Iran and other places and just think about it - how much of a shame it would have been if Trump actually tried to harm the resting place of Cyrus - and if that happened and if it happens I reckon that spells the end.

So Trump has made many mistakes in judgement including "Operation Warp Speed" - I hope he gets a clue and I hope americans realize sooner rather than later - we are NOT exceptional - we are just member of humanity - just as the folks living in Iran are.


come on on Bert - get a clue.


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I have a clue and because you and I may disagree on some fine points does not mean you do not have a clue. My family has paid a seep price in these foreign wars and nobody hates them worse than I do. Not that it makes me an expert, but I have heard the stories of these horrors first hand from my sons.

I dreaded a green sedan coming up my driveway for seven years straight, so don’t tell me I don’t have a clue. A part of them is still in those hell holes.

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I didn't say you don't have a "clue".

To be precise I said - get a clue.

Sally said as such to the Navigator when he was full of indignation.

I hope you keep reading the story and that you are not offended when I unsubscribe from you place because Bert - if you think Iran is the cause of problems you must not understand that the America and Americans in general - we are NOT exceptional - we are just regular folks - just like the folks in Iran are.

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"It was a wonderful dream."

They machinate wars, chaos, hatred, and division for *their* benefit.

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Yes they do and thank you.

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Thanks, Bert, I too am perplexed. I only have this to say:

"Stand firm, therefore, with the belt of truth fastened around your waist, wearing the breastplate of righteousness, and having your feet shod in readiness to declare the good news of peace. Besides all of this, take up the large shield of faith, with which you will be able to extinguish all the wicked one’s burning arrows. Also, accept the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit, that is, God’s word."

[Ephesians 6:14-17]

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Well said, my friend, I can think of nothing to add.

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The sword of the spirit runs deep.

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Feb 23Liked by Bert Powers

#BushWasRight tho. I know it ain't popular & I'm sure I'm going to get hateful replies, but I had to say it.


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Excellent reminders.

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Feb 23Liked by Bert Powers

Thank you very much Bert!😍

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You are welcome and people are so ignorant of even recent history. Good reminder.

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Feb 24Liked by Bert Powers

Very much appreciate it. So true! It's stunning how much ignorance is out there, inc from the GOP side! OMG. Oh, I forgot to thank you so much for serving. My bad! G-d bless you Bert.

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Sadly the Uniparty is real and has real consequences in working against our freedoms. You are welcome, most everyone in my family has served and some still are. May God bless you and your family too.

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Mar 4Liked by Bert Powers

So true, sadly. TY so much.🥰 Awesome. G-d bless you & your family of patriots!

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Bert - I want to apologize for my "poor temper" yesterday......

Iran has always been a "hot button" topic for me, but I should not have been rude with my commentary and I think I was - so I apologize for that.


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I always feel sad when I am unable to find common ground with others. Some weird thing inside of me I cannot explain.

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I should add as well - after I unsubscribed, then I no longer got to read your "Notes" - so that obviously is part of the algorithm - some algorithms make good sense, but I prefer algorithms transparent.

Regardless - I am "re-subscribed".

We may not agree on everything, but I think we agree on this:

"We can still be online associates and folks sharing ideas even if we don't agree on everything".



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Agreed in full.

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This comment of yours has convinced be to "resubscribe" cause hell I'm well below my limit presently - my limit on subscriptions is 16 - self-imposed.

But what you express above - I'd call you "brother" on that - I feel likewise.

I guess in a way it could be considered a "weakness" to seek common ground - but I don't think so.

Thanks Bert,


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You are welcome and thank you.

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Thank you, I could have handled things better myself. It is a personal topic for me because one of my dear friends was ran out of there when the Mullas took over. He was under the threat of death because his mother was a Bahai and his Father was a Muslim. He came here worked two jobs, paid bribes and got his parents out too. He had no kind words for that government. It has shaped my feelings since then. They lost everything when they left.

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As much as it saddens me, being you said you would read my story till the end, if you can't realize Bert that Iran is NOT the enemy, then I don't care to read what you put forth - that is just me - I'm just one lonely soul screaming in the wind....but Iran is NOT the enemy Bert.

Get a clue.


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I never said they were. I think that their every action is controlled from other places, just like what is happening here. All of this is planned.

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Well then for eff sake - is it not time we take matters into our own hands - locally is all we can do individually us folks just trying to get by day-by-day. It ain't easy, but it could be much harder no doubt.

Let the troubles of Israel be their own troubles, let the folks in Iran live in peace, let the dimwit elitist dimwits bury themselves as they seem determined to do, but remember this.

Christ said do onto your brother as you would do to yourself.

Don't ever forget that golden rule.

Iran deserves no disrespect - Cyrus was a great leader in antiquity - and Trump threatened to bomb to tomb of Cyrus - that is telling Bert.

Get a clue - seriously - Iran is NOT the enemy.

The enemy is within.

dc is a swamp

trump was correct about that - and if he brings peace to the world....then he has my support. If he is just full of blubber - then he will get his due.

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Bert - you must know - predictions of war with Iran have been made so many times. Scott Ritter got himself confabulated with these sort of predictions and I'll tell you this - when Trump said he would attack the resting place of Cyrus the Great that gave me pause.

So really - you do yourself no favors suggesting that this is not a matter of simply a bully whose day in the sun is coming to an end swiftly - cause nobody likes a bully Bert.


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There are bullies all over the world posing as something else. If you take a step back and look at the chronology of all of this, it makes sense that it is all scripted. Leave all of our preconceived thoughts, ideas, and prejudices, and it all becomes clear.

I know we all think we know what is happening and why, as well as who the good guys are and aren’t. The answers lie in what we don’t know or possibly will never know. My feeling is there are no good guys in all of this.

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Well I think that forms a strong position in opposition to the concept of Calvinism - so being a life-long member of opposition to the concept of predestination, then you must know I support killing bullies one at a time who think they know the future for you and I.

Fuck that idea Bert.

Fuck it to heaven.

Nobody knows the future for sure - neither you nor I.

Uncertainty is part of life - I've learned how to live with it - have you?

If not, then life lesson lost I reckon - cause uncertainty is part of life.

Get used to it.

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I’m done here Ken.

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with that said, I think I'm going to unsubscribe from some places.

Tis war Bert.

Hope you are ready.

I know you are and I think you have a good heart, but I think you are biased in your views just as I am, but don't act like Iran is the enemy when you ought know better - the enemy is within and this is obvious.

Secession is on the way if you want my opinion which I will share freely here on your Substack place....

the odds are now over 50% chance and to be frank - this is what I want - I want this country to get some humility. Succession is the best solution to this and the whole wide world will cheer when those who thought they were exceptional split into smaller parts beneficial for the whole world - so Bert let me ask you:

What side on this are you on - or do you even know?


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I hear ya - turns out I wasn't subscribed in the first place - not sure why I thought I was.

Remember Bert Christ said -

Do onto your neighbors as you would have them do onto you.

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LOL I hope you are as savage with the weeds in your garden as you are with your opinions, Buffalo_Ken. No amount of anger or vile language can change the fact that we are all holograms with no free will. Iran will do whatever it does and the criminals in Washington, DC will continue to rule the world until a consortium of our enemies decides they've had enough.

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