The difference between subjects and citizens. How can we be an ally of a nation that allows this?
Well, these days few have time to study and research history, Bert - by design - "keep them distracted by mundane matters, like survival, so they can't see the wizard behind the curtain".
While LRW mostly publishes external agents' pieces, this one is indeed relevant (I encountered the same source from another source).
Islam is being used for eliminating cultures in the West, which is a critical part of the population replacement:
Thanks for the comment and the extra commentary. This needs to stop.
With Starmer in charge it could take fours years Bert, but it will end eventually so long as Trump lives up to his word.
For some time now, the UK is a tyrannical State.
Yes indeed, for centuries actually. The Anglo/Saxons are cunning and pugnatious, not unlike the Kazarians. The City of London continues to run the world:
It is amazing how few people realize this and it's implications.
Well, these days few have time to study and research history, Bert - by design - "keep them distracted by mundane matters, like survival, so they can't see the wizard behind the curtain".
Yes keep them at the bottom of Maslow’s Heirarchy so they have no time or energy to look up or around.
Ha, ha - the old strategy over the centuries Bert, works every time!
And they do not realize it until it is too late, if at all.
Never conflate allies with cultural cousins and friends.
The United States was an ally of the Soviet Union during WW2. The reason was simple: his name was Adolf Hitler.
The United States also counts the UK as an ally--and yet the US sided against the UK in the Suez Crisis.
Allies are transient and a matter of complementary geostrategic objectives.
Whether the UK will remain a friend of the United States depends entirely on the future trajectory of their culture and ours.
Well said, and an excellent history lesson. Change is not always our friend, but it is always here.